A Growing Support

The San Diego Community Planners Committee has voted to send a letter recommending the city to stop the reckless addition of housing density in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones increasing risk to life and limb for current and future residents.

You can support this effort by adding your name to the list of individuals voicing their concerns.

I encourage the city of San Diego to pause new construction in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones where density would be more than doubled until such time that proper analysis is completed and risk mitigations put in place to ensure the safety of our residents.

Supporters of Project PAUSE

Dear SpeakOut! user

I encourage the city of San Diego to pause new construction in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones where density would be more than doubled until such time that proper analysis is completed and risk mitigations put in place to ensure the safety of our residents.

%%your signature%%

1 signatures

Return to this page often to see more organizations signing on to this cause.

Community Planners Committee

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Kensington FireSafe Council

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Sandy Johnson, Retired Transportation Planner

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